Thursday, May 16, 2013

Big Hug!

I observed a daughter with her elderly mom yesterday at the grocery store and could tell she was dealing with her mom’s memory issues. Much like I do on a daily basis with Gordo.
However our methods of coping were very different.
The daughter kept saying things like … “Mother … remember? I just told you.” and “We just talked about that”, etc. I could feel the old women’s frustration.

I am not a doctor … but I just can’t believe that speaking to an old person (who very often will have memory issues) as though they are deliberately forgetting things is a healthy approach. Perhaps it’s the person caring for them … that is having a difficult time with adapting to the “loss” of the person they remember.

It is very hard to watch, but embracing it … has worked for me.
There are constant changes made weekly to the “game plan”.

Just felt like putting my two cents in.

Remember to give your old folks a BIG HUG often!

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