Monday, April 29, 2013

Caregivers Know Best!

I had no idea that Gordo liked George Jones.
It maybe because he connects with an old man that was near to his age when he passed away. Whatever the reason … Dad will not be quiet until I buy him a CD.
Well my hubby … in is technological wisdom … downloaded “Rhapsody” onto one of his computers … in lieu of me actually purchasing a CD.
Gave Gordo a headset and the world was his oyster.
Dad crooned out loud for about 10 minutes … until the laptop screen went to sleep. Then it was … “Pooker Annie … the computer died.” “No … Dad ... it just went to sleep, but the music is still playing.”
He says … “Well fix it! I want the picture up while I listen and to also know what song is playing”.
OK (serenity now) … so I set the screen to go off every 30 minutes.
In exactly 30 minutes … “Pooker Annie !!!! ”
OMG … I may have to smother him (JK).
“Let’s just get the CD … Michael has the money … doesn’t he?”
“Yes Dad … I’ll buy it tomorrow”.
See … my friends … Caregivers really do know best!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Old Man for Sale!

$1.00 or best offer!
Comes with FREE …
iPad, Dentures, Hearing Aids and Large flat screen TV … with wireless headset included.
FREE Shipping!
Will throw in FREE case of wine to the highest bidder.
Yes folks … it is one of those wacky days!
Actually changed my mind … keeping the wine for myself.
Serenity NOW!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Gordo's Choice Awards

OK folks ... it’s time for the Gordo's Choice Awards!

Recent top 5 Books
1. Postcard Killers by James Patterson
2. Private Berlin by James Patterson
3. A Bend in the Road by Nicholas Sparks
4. Stay Close by Harlan Coben
5. Happy Birthday by Danielle Steele

Recent top 5 DVDs
1. Life of Pi
2. Lincoln
3. World Without End
4. Argo
5. Taken 2

Recent Top Five Losers of both Books and DVDs

1. Killing Them Softly with Brad Pitt - “He should have stayed with Jen”
2. SkyFall 0007 with Daniel Craig - “He just thinks he’s James Bond”
3. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey with Ian McKellen- “ Pooker Annie … why the hell would I want to watch a movie about a hobbit?”
4. Cosmopolis - with Robert Pattison – “What was he thinking?”
5. The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks – “Well … that’s a depressing topic”

Well … someone had to carry on after Siskel and Ebert … LOL

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Beau

Most of you know that I have a Persian cat named Beau. He is the most relaxed wonderfully nature d cat I have ever known … and I have had many. LOL
Well … he got out of the house on Sunday. I looked and looked. Cried and cried. Mikey drove his bike through the neighborhood and 4 hours passed. Nothing!
See … Beau is rather special
Four years ago my Daughter In-Law … Andrea found 2 tiny calico kittens in the middle of the street very late at night. Even though she is terribly allergic to cats … she quickly scooped them up and put them in the back of her car.
I got them from her the next day … hoping to find homes for two little calico sisters … who were not quite weaned and quite obviously feral was going to be a challenge. After several days of calling (no-kill) shelters and a few freaks calling me from the ad I placed on Craig’s List … I was no closer to finding a home. I already had Beau and 2 other cats.  Five cats (even for me) was a little over the top.
Then I witnessed the most incredible scene. These two little kitties had their sweet little faces buried deep into the fluffy fur of Beau. OMG! They were nursing on my male cat. He just lay there … like it was natural. Although they weren't getting milk … I believe the effect was something similar to a pacifier for an infant. This went on for days and days. Then for weeks and weeks. The kittens gained weight … still shied from humans, however the bond with Beau was a strange, but beautiful thing to watch.
Needless to say … I … nor my husband had the heart to separate them … thus the reason we still have 5 cats.
Beau is also the only cat Gordo allows in his room … because he isn't

 jumpy … and every morning I hear Dad say… “Hey Beau … How the hell are you? As if they have some kind of secret language.
So … you can understand my dread as the hours ticked by.
I sat in my back yard praying for this wonder ball of orange fuzz … to come home. I waited 45 minutes or so … and low and behold he trotted over to me. I quietly stood up and opened the door. He happily hopped inside.
You would think that it would be my hubby and I who would be the happiest to see him.
NOT … I’m thinking Bella (now … one of 4 year old sisters) was.  See Photo taken 10 minutes after Beau came home.

Monday, April 15, 2013

God Bless America

This morning Gordo was asking where his glasses were. I was in a silly mood and started singing “Over there … over there … over there ”. He found them and said … “You know … Irving Berlin composed his songs on the black keys of the piano.”
“Excuse me … Dad … what? He replies … “the composer who wrote that song”. Wow! That’s interesting! And he went right into reading his newspaper.

You know I had to check it out. Turns out he was partially correct. 
Irving Berlin did compose with black keys. However he wrote “God Bless America”. George Cohan wrote “Over There”. 

I see no reason to correct him, as it makes him frustrated when he has memory loss issues ... but thought this was interesting anyway. See below …

Part of "Berlin’s" appeal as a personality was his straightforwardness. He readily admitted he was in the music business “to make money.” Although he earned a royalty on his lyrics, Berlin realized he could double the take if he also composed the music. Here he was handicapped since he could only play the black keys on his piano as they were easier to manipulate.

The song "Over There" is about the Americans going "over there" (across the Atlantic) to help fight the Germans during World War I. In 1936, "Cohan" was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for writing the song.

Now you know the rest of the story.

God Bless America and Gordo.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Rest in Peace Mrs. Thatcher

Gordo gets his news from the Houston Chronicle … so this morning was the first he had read about the passing of Margaret Thatcher. His first comment was that she was actually older than him. Then he went into this commentary regarding Ronald Reagan, Thatcher and the Falkland Islands. Then he seemed to lose his train of thought (as he does more often these days) and said that he believes that Reagan and Thatcher actually danced together. Well “true that” as the photo shows.
Then the conversation quickly turned to the new Pope. Something to do with his comments about the Falklands War. Dad stopped talking for a minute and switched gears again and all he had to say was that the Catholics really needed to get with the times and elect a younger Pope instead of all these old fossils.

OK … the world according to Gordo is slightly dis-shuffled … but there is a whole lot of good info still in that memory bank.

God love him.

RIP ... Mrs. Thatcher

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Monday!

I was talking with Gordo today about “Easter Monday”. Explaining that if we lived in Europe ... that today would be a holiday.
He countered with … “ Pooker Annie … I don’t think it has biblical significance.”
Well … you know I had to check and this is what I found out.
 “Easter Monday is called "Monday of the Angel" in memory of what happened at dawn on that first day after Saturday. In fact, it was an Angel that comforted the women who, having hurried to the tomb and found it empty, were bewildered and upset…Indeed, if Christ is risen, everything changes and life and history acquire new meaning.”
In today’s liturgy, the Church remembers the Apostle Peter’s preaching to the crowds in Jerusalem, and his announcement that Jesus has been raised up “and of that we all are witnesses” (Acts 2:32).
So … needless to say … I’ll be grabbing my bible and reading him Acts 2:32 … when he gets up from his nap.
Happy Easter Monday!