Monday, December 31, 2012

The Ship's Cat

Gordo’s mind must work overtime … while the rest of us sleep.
This morning’s random thought was … “Although we already have 5 cats … you and Mikey should go to Key West, visit Ernest Hemingway’s home and get a 6 knuckled cat for … Good Luck.”

“Ok dad … I’ll look into that”.
What the heck?
So off I go… to do a Google search.

He was slightly correct.

Polydactyl cats - a type of cat body type genetic mutation that causes the cat to be born with more than the usual number of toes on one or more of its paws.

Polydactyl cats have been extremely popular as … “Ships’ Cats”

Sailors were long known to value polydactyl cats especially for their extraordinary climbing and hunting abilities as an aid in controlling shipboard rodents. Some sailors also considered them to be extremely “good luck” when at sea.

Ernest Hemingway was one of the more famous lovers of polydactyl cats, after being first given a six-toed cat by a ship's captain. Upon Hemingway's death in 1961, his former home in Key West, Florida, became a museum and a home for his cats, and it currently houses approximately fifty descendants of his cats (about half of which are polydactyl). Because of his love for these animals, "Hemingway Kitty Cat", or simply "Hemingway Cat", is a term which has come to describe polydactyls.

And now you know … the rest of the story.

P.S. We own a book called the Ship's Cat ... one of my husband's favorites.

Hmm? Is that a sign? Maybe we should go to Key West. LOL

Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 29, 2012


Yesterday … Gordo watched “Trouble with the Curve” … starring Clint Eastwood.
He LOVED it! Even though… that poor bastard … (Mr. Eastwood) is older than “Methuselah”.
OK … I had to check it out!
First of all … Clint is 2 months younger than dad and secondly … “Methuselah” lived to be 969 yrs. old.
I decided to tell him about my find.
“You’re kidding Pooker Annie … Eastwood is younger than me?” … I answered “Yes … you just look younger”. 
His reply … “Not really … I’m just more photogenic”.
Have to love a man with confidence. LOL

Thursday, December 27, 2012

No Squandering!

Gordo just realized exactly what his iTunes’ gift card was all about.
He spent an hour pouring over the past 3 "Book Reviews" from the New York Times, because (as he put it) … “Pooker Annie … this card is not to be squandered on James Patterson books”.
Thinking to myself … but it’s OK to squander my money on them … LOL
He finally settled on “The Child’s Child” … written by … three-time Edgar Award–winning mystery author Ruth Rendell, writing this book under her pseudonym of Barbara Vine.
And … he’s thrilled that he still has $37 left on the card … also not to be wasted on main stream fiction.
Thanks Victor … your gift was a HUGE hit!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Yes Gordo ... There is a Santa Claus

First words out of Dad's mouth this morning. “I dreamed of Ava Gardner”. Then he bursts into a song that (he says) she sang in the 1951 movie “Show Boat” … "Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man".
While I was looking for a photo to go along with this post … I discovered that Ms. Gardner really did not sing it. Her voice was dubbed by Annette Warren.
Think I’ll keep that knowledge to myself. Wink … Wink.
Yes … Gordo … there is a Santa Claus.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Other than Gordo waking me up at 3 am a few days ago ... because he was trying to turn off his TV with the ceiling fan remote ... Life has been amazingly uneventful.
Dad's been very healthy and our family is gearing up for Christmas.
May all of you be as blessed.
Happy Holidays My Friends!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Aye Aye Captain!

Got a 3:30 wake-up call this morning.
Guess who forgot to close his urine bag?
I found Gordo sitting in his chair … reading “his” iPad, and proceeded to change his sheets.
Since I was wide awake after that … I made a pot of coffee … left him to his reading and checked my emails.
At 4:30 I heard the thump of his newspaper being delivered, so I gave it to him. Was about to leave his room … when … “Pooker Annie … when you are my age and you have accidents like I did this morning … one really wonders if they are going to be shipped to a home.”
OMG! Lump in throat. I turned around and sat on his ottoman. “Dad we’re not “shipping” you anywhere! We’re in this crazy boat together! You hear me?” He nods his head and I quickly changed the subject. “So … do you want some coffee?” He answers “Sure … but only a little creamer”.
Aye Aye Captain” (wink- wink).

Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's Mine!

Thursday night Michael and I watched our 3 yr. old grandson … Owen.
Gordo was happily watching a DVD, so I took the iPad from his room and let Owen play some games.
Well … as usual I turned in early and left Mike playing with O.D. Bear (Owen’s nick name).
Evidently Dad called my hubby later … asking where “his” iPad was … Mike explained that he and Owen were playing a game on it.
Well that’s all it took. “That’s MY iPad and I want it back NOW!” Michael knowing that it was best not to argue … went into Gordo’s room with little Owen following behind. Dad took one look at Owen and yelled … “That’s MY iPad … not yours!”. Poor little OD was startled. Then Mike barked back “Gordon he’s only 3! “ “I don’t care how old he is … that’s MY iPad!” So rather than getting into it any further … Michael grabbed Owen’s hand and left the room. He explained to my grandson that Papa Cave was just a cranky old man … and that was the end of that. 
Friday night Michael and I watched our 2 yr. old grandson … Jared. He is learning how to talk and repeats a lot.
I was in dad’s room cleaning up … with little Jared following me around. Gordo started talking to him and he would repeat words back. They were having a grand ole time. Then Jared said something Dad couldn't understand, so I explained that he had a hard time saying some things. Gordo replies (but is looking at his great grandson as he speaks) “Sometimes I have a hard time admitting that I was wrong. I’m really sorry I yelled at you the other day”.
I gave a bit of a chuckle and said … “Awe Dad that’s so sweet … but it was our other grandson who you yelled at”.
True to Gordo’s nature … “Well tell the other one … will you?”
Sure Dad!

Monday, December 3, 2012


Those of you that know us ... understand that Mikey and I have the perfect arrangement regarding his thirst for hard rock concerts. He goes to them and … Thank God ... I don’t have to. ;)
Last night as Michael was about to leave to see his favorite … “RUSH” … he was talking to Gordo.
Gordo asked “ Who are you going to see tonight?” Mike replies .. “RUSH”. Dad exclaims “ RUSH! Aren’t they my age?” “Not quite … Gordon”. Then dad observes the concert t-shirt Mike’s wearing and asks . “What’s on your shirt?” He tells him “
Counterparts … it was the name of one of RUSH’s tours in the 90’s.”
I piped in and asked Gordo to name a counterpart. Without any hesitation he states Mike and Cora!
Have a super week my friends.