Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Gordo is still in the hospital. It would appear that the dreaded sepsis has returned. Not good news. However the wonderful folks at Methodist West are doing everthing possible to try and fight this nasty bacteria.
Liz and I just want Gordo happy and pain free. Which so far has been the case.
Our prayers are not for the longevity of Gordo's life ... but for the quality of it. 
So it's one day at a time and today ... we celebrate Father's Day.
Happy Father's Day ... Dad!
We love you!
P.S. Found him a Celtics Baseball Cap as they are still winners to him ;)

1 comment:

  1. Cora My thoughts and prayers are always with you and Gordo and your family. I no you are going though a rough patch look to god he will never let you down he will always walk beside you never behind you never in front of you. He is always there for you. Your Dad knows you love him will always no this. Just keep loving him. Keep showing him this Hun. You will make the right decision. Call when you need me I am always there for you even if you make fun of how I talk. Love you Nance
