Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Challenge

This has been … without question … the most challenging time in my life.
Gordo is not doing well at all … however … my sister, all his caregivers, nurses, personal care home owner; her family, doctors, etc. are all there for dad. Even though … HE … is being mean and uncooperative.
I never thought … in a million years … that taking care of an old man would be so heart wrenching for ALL involved.
He won’t eat … drink … or listen to anyone. Including me and my sweet sister. However … neither ... we … or the whole Gordo team has … is giving up … yet!
He says he wants to live to be 100. 
We’ll see.
We have gotten tough and are making him get up a bit and will ...only stop pushing when … HE says he’s done. Thus far … he has not conceded to dying.
WOW! Life has so many challenges!
Please pray for our old folks and those who love them.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Prayer Requests

Where do I begin?
Gordo was doing fine in his new place until the state sent their folks for an annual inspection.
He refused to get up and walk... so … they told the owner of his new home that he could no longer live there.
See… folks … when searching for places to take care of our old folks … there are 2 types of facilities. A and B. A … can take care of anyone who can walk thru the front door in a fire (simply stated) and B facilities care for people who are unable to walk, crawl or run towards that same front door.
Well Gordo … was OK …living in an A facility when he first arrived. But after his last stint at the hospital, nursing home and moving to his new place … life took its toll. Most likely because of his UTIs … (urinary tract infections and the confusion in his new environment). Both are equally mentally devastating.
We moved him into a new place last week … owned by the same people … which is good. His favorite …prior … caregiver… goes over to see him daily.
However … he has not been eating and hates being there. Only because it is a change … too fast. In our opinion.
Yesterday ... I brought several dinners that I KNOW he likes and explained how he likes to eat them. Guess what? He ate 2 meals today!
Thank God!
Please pray for us.

Monday, September 9, 2013

4 Stars!

There was a front page story in yesterday's Chronicle about a negligent personal care home. That resulted in the death of a patient.
In Texas … there are no legal guidelines for homes who house 3 or less people … BIG problem. Especially for folks who are not aware of this. Hopefully this tragic incident will draw enough attention to change that.
Very sad, but not typical of what a “Registered” personal care home is like.
Having said that … Friday … Gordo’s new home (registered … I might add) had their annual (unscheduled) inspection by the state.
The case worker basically audits all paperwork for each resident, assesses whether their mental and physical needs are being met …then interviews each of them.
When it came time for “Gordo” … the case worker found one form that I had not signed. So the owner of the facility had to race over to my house to get my signature. When she returned … Dad was being interviewed. The door was closed, but he’s so darn loud she could hear the entire conversation.
Case: Sir, are you happy here?
Gordo: Yes! It’s like staying at a 4 star hotel!
Case: What about the people who take care of you? Can you tell me about them?
Gordo: Jimmy (night nurse) is great. He got me a Cadillac (aka wheelchair). Bessie (aka Lorraine … owner of the home) runs a tight ship … plus she and I sing Bessie Smith songs together. Alicia (aka Shawntay … day nurse) makes the best sandwiches ever.
Case: Well … Mr. Cave it sounds like everything is going well.
Gordo: Yes …young lady and when you get the HELL out of here … we’ll be just fine.
Lorraine had to hold back laughter … as the case worker left his room.
Case: Mrs. Fairfax (aka Lorraine) … it appears everything is in order. Have a nice afternoon.
Needless to say … the poor case worker probably needed a drink after meeting our beloved Gordo!

Friday, September 6, 2013

25 Days

It has been a 25 day whirlwind for me. Starting with Gordo moving out, then finding a job ... while chasing around my 4 month old (25 lbs.) puppy.

I'm happy to say that I'm beginning to see the light at the end of this curving tunnel.

I have finally quit sobbing about dad, as he's done quite well adjusting to his new place. Still singing and calling me Pooker Annie. So that's a good sign.

Found an amazing company to work with … that affords me the opportunity to follow my passion for helping our elderly.

My puppy .. Cosmo is completely potty trained and we almost have the fetch and return thing down.

So all in all … Life is looking pretty darn good.

Have a super weekend my friends!