There was a front page story in yesterday's Chronicle about a negligent personal care home. That resulted in the death of a patient.
In Texas … there are no legal guidelines for homes who house 3 or less people … BIG problem. Especially for folks who are not aware of this. Hopefully this tragic incident will draw enough attention to change that.
Very sad, but not typical of what a “Registered” personal care home is like.
Having said that … Friday … Gordo’s new home (registered … I might add) had their annual (unscheduled) inspection by the state.
The case worker basically audits all paperwork for each resident, assesses whether their mental and physical needs are being met …then interviews each of them.
When it came time for “Gordo” … the case worker found one form that I had not signed. So the owner of the facility had to race over to my house to get my signature. When she returned … Dad was being interviewed. The door was closed, but he’s so darn loud she could hear the entire conversation.
Case: Sir, are you happy here?
Gordo: Yes! It’s like staying at a 4 star hotel!
Case: What about the people who take care of you? Can you tell me about them?
Gordo: Jimmy (night nurse) is great. He got me a Cadillac (aka wheelchair). Bessie (aka Lorraine … owner of the home) runs a tight ship … plus she and I sing Bessie Smith songs together. Alicia (aka Shawntay … day nurse) makes the best sandwiches ever.
Case: Well … Mr. Cave it sounds like everything is going well.
Gordo: Yes …young lady and when you get the HELL out of here … we’ll be just fine.
Lorraine had to hold back laughter … as the case worker left his room.
Case: Mrs. Fairfax (aka Lorraine) … it appears everything is in order. Have a nice afternoon.
Needless to say … the poor case worker probably needed a drink after meeting our beloved Gordo!